MCVL Software
Software at MCVL comes in 3 flavors, please see the appropriate section
Workstation Specific Software
The following list shows some of the software systems
that are available on one or more of the above SGI hardware workstations.
- C (cc) - part of IRIS Development Option (IDO) containing
UNIX development tools, digital media libraries, etc.
- C++
(CC) - IRIS ViewKit
- FORTRAN(f77, f90)
Others available as needed: Pascal, ADA95
Compiler Options are available to target the different
IRIX operating systems.
-mips2 -32 - Targets IRIX 5.3, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4
-mips4 -n32 - Targets IRIX 6.3 (O2) and 6.4 (Octane/Onyx2)
-mips4 -64 - as above but generates 64bit objects
Developer Magic (Code and User Interface development)
Editors, Productivity, etc.
Documentors Workbench - nroff, troff tools
IRIS Annotator - multimedia application to annotate
and share 3-D models
Insignia SoftWindows 95 with MicroSoft Office
Web Tools
CosmoCreate - HTML authoring
CosmoWorlds - VRML authoring
CosmoCode - Java development
CosmoColor - Color management
ComposerLite -
Netscape - Web browser
Image and Video Manipulation
Showcase, imgworks, imgview
ImageVision Library - dataflow-based demand driven
image processing
Capturing screen images/video: snapshot, capture
Khoros - 2D & 3D Dataflow Environment
NCAR - Graphics Library, FORTRAN subrutine library
SDSC Image Tools - Image manipulation programs
SGI Digital Media Libraries and Toolkits
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Premier
Kai Power Tools
Visualization and Graphics
- 3D graphics subrutine library
X11/Motif - Graphics and windowmanager
Open Inventor
- 3D modelling and graphics
SGI IRIS Performer
- High performance graphics library
SGI Molecular Inventor
Vtk - Visualization Tool Kit from GE Research
GLUT (example programs in /usr/apps/glut-3.6/)
Motif (example program in /usr/apps/motif_examples/)
Motif FAQ
CAVE - Virtual environment graphics library*
Alias/Wavefront - Modeling and animation software*
Scientific and Mathematical Libraries -
for information type "man complib" at the prompt
for information type "man blas" at the prompt
for information type "man lapack" at the prompt
for information type "man linpack" at the prompt
Databases, Data Mining
Oracle - relational database management system
MineSet - exploratory analysis of databases
Scripting Languages
SoftWindows (Windows 95)
* - Not yet available
CECS Multimedia Communications and Visualization Laboratory